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Specializing in the repair and refurbishment of Braillers!.
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Repair - How does a brailler get repaired?
Frequently asked Questions concerning repairs!
How and where can I get it repaired?
How much will it cost?
What kind of equipment can be repaired?
Can I repair my brailler myself?
How does a brailler get repaired
This is what we do, when you send a brailler for repair.
  1. The brailler is taken apart and placed in a special vat of cleaning solvent. This will dissolve all the old grease and oil and allow the dirt and grime to be released. The brailler is flushed in solvent until it is completely clean and no dirt or oil and grease remain.
  2. After the vat solvent cleaning, the brailler is placed in a special drying oven that will force clean dry heated air over and through all parts until they are completely dry.
  3. The clean brailler (and parts) are now taken to the repair bench where the brailler is carefully inspected to determine what is wrong with it and what needs to be done to repair the problem. If any parts or assemblies are determined to be defective, they are repaired or replaced. The Braillery carries a complete stock of parts for Perkins Braillers and only factory parts are used on the Perkins brailler. For other braillers, which are no longer in production, we have an extensive machine shop to fabricate or repair the necessary parts for these braillers.
  4. Now the necessary repairs are made and the brailler is reassembled, lubricated and rust preventative applied. The reassembled brailler is now adjusted and set to correct tolerances to produce the highest quality of braille embossing possible. Here too, we adjust the machine for easy and light key action.
  5. The brailler is now given several tests to check and make sure all the parts of the machine are working correctly and that all repairs and adjustments are correct, nothing is overlooked. A special vibration test is done to determine if any problems might be brought about by rough handling during shipping.
  6. The finished brailler is now ready for packing and shipping.
  7. Your brailler is shipped and the warranty information is logged
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